Wednesday 25 April 2012

Straw Berry delight

Ah I stumbled upon this great organic skin care concoction! STRAWBERRIES so Devine and great for the skin , I have incorporated some trends which I associate strawberries with, hope you like.
Quickest Strawberry Scrub Ever
Strawberry’s main skin-pleasing ingredient is alpha-hydroxy acid, a great little substance that helps us slough off dead skin cells so that new, youthful skin is revealed. Here’s a ridiculously easy way to get some of strawberry’s benefits in a New York minute: just cut a berry in half, rub it over your face, and let it sit there for a few minutes, then rinse. Instantly softer, smoother skin!
Sweet Strawberry and Cream Mask
This recipe is so delicious–with berries, cream, and honey–that you might be tempted to eat it instead of putting on your face, but give it a try. It will leave your skin so soft and beautiful: strawberries and cream mask.
Strawberry Foot Scrub
Feet can use a little help in summer, when sandals expose rough dead skin for all to see. This easy scrub helps slough it all away:
8 strawberries
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoons kosher salt
Mix ingredients into a paste, massage well into feet, then rinse and dry.

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Monday 2 April 2012

Fashion Law_ A new field of Law

Wow I came across this absolutely awsome Institute that actually offers Fashion Law, I am however swayed in pursuing a career In Patent and Copyright Law. I mean all my career non legal that is, spent in Retail. watching the actual production take place. Working as a retail operations assistant at Platinum Group for 4 years i learnt a great deal. Retail operations, store co ordinations, supplier relations and lots more. Platinum group are the holdings of the following brands.

I remember loving it at Platinum group because it was so creatively inclined with real designers right there and being the first to witness the new collections. i stumbled across this typical day at work.

Im the brown haired girl with matching brown

Below you will find the facts for an institute that offers Fashion law, very interesting!


What is fashion law?

Fashion law embraces the legal substance of style, including all of the issues that may arise throughout the life of a garment, starting with the designer’s original idea and continuing all the way to the consumer’s closet. The diverse categories of law that affect the business of fashion include intellectual property, business and finance, international trade and government regulation, and consumer culture and civil rights. From the historical relationship between clothing and culture to current issues involving the globalization of fashion, the newly defined field of fashion law is made to measure for the modern apparel industry.

What does the Fashion Law Institute do?

As the world’s first center dedicated to the fashion law, the Fashion Law offers education, training, and assistance to current and aspiring attorneys and design professionals. The Institute has developed both semester-long courses and other educational programming available to attorneys, fashion industry professionals, students from other law schools and design schools, and the general public. In addition, the Institute provides designers with a centralized resource for legal questions and assistance on issues facing the fashion industry.

Dewani case set back

NRI honeymoon murder case: Shrien Dewani gets temporary relief

Non Resident Indian (NRI) businessman Shrien Dewani got some temporary relief as the British High Court on Friday halted, on mental health grounds, his extradition to South Africa to face trial for the murder of his wife in a fake car-jacking during the couple's honeymoon in Cape Town in 2010. The ruling comes amidst doubts being raised about 32-year-old Shrien's involvement in the murder following the revelation of new CCTV footage by the BBC last night.

The newly wed couple just before the murder of Anni Dewani

More revelations about the case